2025 5th International Conference on Sensors and Information Technology (ICSI 2025)
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Call For Papers

The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:


Sensors, actuators, and their applications

Multi-sensor information fusion technology

Physical, chemical, and biological sensors

pulse width modulation, and pulse digital output sensor

Sensor theory, principle, effect design, and standardization

Intelligent sensors and systems

Sensor instrument

Virtual Instrument Sensor Interface

Bus signal processing

Network signal processing

Sensor technology and materials



Information Technology

Communication network

Internet of Things (IoT)

New panel display

cloud computing

Speech and image processing

Pattern recognition and device

Information system and security

Pattern recognition and artificial intelligence

Real-time signal and processing

Information management system

5G communication and signal processing

5G application technology, development and service standards

Intelligent communication development and software development

Communication security and privacy